Line Marking: A Guide to Bike Lanes

If you are planning to add bike lanes to the roads in your community, you may be looking for advice which will help you to make this project a success. This article will examine some of the things you need to consider when painting bike lanes. Read on to discover everything you need to know.   

Type of bike lanes 

There are various ways to approach designing a bike lane.

Buffered cycle lanes 

A buffered bike lane has a physical separation to divide the bicycle lanes from moving traffic. These lanes are usually installed along quieter residential streets and allow bicycles to move unhindered on the main road. When working on a buffered cycle lane, the road painters will typically create a yellow or white hatched area which visually separates the road and the cycle lane.

Cycle tracks 

Bike tracks can provide you with an even greater measure of separation between cyclists and motor traffic. They are often used on larger road networks which have a high volume of traffic. Rather than being located in the road, cycle tracks are normally located on the pavement. The road painting team will often recommend that these tracks are painted green so pedestrians can clearly distinguish them from the pavement. Failure to clearly mark cycle tracks which run along a pavement can increase the chance of a collision between a pedestrian and a bike.


Sharrows, or shared lane markings, are usually painted on the pavement. They typically show an image of a bike with a number of arrows above or below it. The sharrows are a visual symbol which let the cars and cyclists know they are expected to share the road. Lanes are marked with sharrows can be used at any time by cyclists, whether they are travelling straight ahead, turning left, or turning right. 

Duel bike lanes

Cycling lanes which use two lanes of traffic are more common. This allows space for more cyclists to ride comfortably and safely. There are several different ways to construct the lane to achieve this. The lane can be created with a two-way bicycle path which allows cyclists to pass in either direction. Alternatively, you may wish instead to create a two-lane cycle track. A road marking team will typically paint arrows onto the lanes so cyclists know which direction each lane is travelling in.

To find out more, contact a local road painting company today that offers bike lane line marking.

408 Words

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Renovating A Home Using Paint And Wallpaper After I bought my first home, I did not have a lot of money left over to put into renovating the place, so I decided to just update the paint and wallpaper as an instant facelift. I learned a lot about prepping walls for painting and wallpapering, and that's why I have decided to start this blog. I wish to share tips and techniques that I have learned during my renovation journey. From minimizing sanding dust to easy ways to remove old wallpaper, I hope that my blog posts encourage other homeowners to give their own homes a modernising interior facelift.

