Time For A Change Of Colour? Why Summer Is The Perfect Time For Interior Painting

Summer will finally be here in a couple of weeks. When it does arrive, you'll need to be ready with your list of warm-weather home improvement projects. If you have not added interior house painting to your list, now's the time to do that. You might not realise this, but summer is the perfect time for interior painting. Before you postpone your painting project for another season, read the list provided below. You will find four great reasons to paint the interior of your home this summer. 

Spruce Up for the Holidays

The holidays will be here before you know it. If you plan to have guests in for parties, it's time to start sprucing things up a bit. That's where the interior painting comes into the picture. Adding a fresh coat of paint to your home will liven up the place for the holidays. You can go for a complete change by selecting a different colour scheme. Or, you can refresh the walls by adding a fresh coat of the original colour. Either way, your home will look fresh and clean for your holiday guests. 

Keep the Kids Outside

If you've been postponing the interior painting because you didn't want to deal with kids running through the paint, summer is the perfect time for your project. When you paint the interior of your home during the summer, you can send the kids outside to enjoy the sunshine. As an added benefit, you can also send the pets outside with the kids, which means you won't have anyone to get in the way of the painters. 

Improve the Ventilation

If you haven't had the interior of your home painted yet because you can't handle the fumes, schedule the project for summer. During the summer, you can open your windows, turn the ceiling fans, and increase the ventilation. With all the added ventilation, you won't have any paint fumes to worry about. 

Reduce Drying Time

Finally, if you're ready to paint the interior of your home, but you're worried about the drying time, talk to your painting crew about scheduling a summer project. Paint can have a longer drying time during the fall and winter. However, during the summer, the temperatures are warm enough to speed up the drying time. That means you'll be able to resume normal activities sooner when you paint the interior of your home during the summer. 

400 Words

About Me

Renovating A Home Using Paint And Wallpaper After I bought my first home, I did not have a lot of money left over to put into renovating the place, so I decided to just update the paint and wallpaper as an instant facelift. I learned a lot about prepping walls for painting and wallpapering, and that's why I have decided to start this blog. I wish to share tips and techniques that I have learned during my renovation journey. From minimizing sanding dust to easy ways to remove old wallpaper, I hope that my blog posts encourage other homeowners to give their own homes a modernising interior facelift.

